Cyrillic on PC

By | June 25, 2017

When I came to Canada in 1996 and bought my computer with Windows NT 4.0 I began to look how to type Cyrillic text on it. Initially I created several editors which works only with 8-bit Cyrillic characters such as KOI-8 and Win-1251. I called in Russian Notepad and it is still there. Usually I typed text in this editor and later pasted it to my web forms or emails. However later I found that it is not good enough because some browsers or email client did not accept my Cyrillic pasted text.
Unicode was required!

So I implemented Unicode based Cyrillic Editor and gave name Дѣло (Delo) to it. The editoer name contains archaic letter Ѣ (Yat) from before 1917 Russian orthography reform. I did it because Delo support not only modern Russian alphabet but also the old one together with some not Russian Cyrillic letters (Ukranians, Tatar and so on).

Below short Delo editor description from
Delo is simple Russian Editor for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista. Delo does not require special installation (fonts or keyboard drivers). Simply download, unZip and run delo.exe. It can work on not-Russifed PC and it is UNICODE application. You may type a text and paste it to other tools such as Word and Excel or not-Unicode Cyrillic editors in KOI-8 or Win-1251. The editor supports different code conversions.
The Editor supports Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian before-revolution, Greek, Polish, Czech and other characters (these characters are supported in UNICODE mode only).
The editor has special small dialog bar to show positions of Russian letters on English keyboard. The editor has resource controls in Russian.
Using this editor you may generate word puzzles (crosswords and find a word) from the text entered in editor window.

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