Statically Linking in golang to fix “version `GLIBC_2.34′ not found” execution error

By | November 1, 2024

It could happen that some executable build in one version of Linux operating system cannot be executed on other Linux OS. Statically linking may resolve this problem. In dynamic linking Go executable linked to shared object libraries with extension so similar as executables built from C language sources. Mainly system shared libraries were written in C language. The interaction between C libraries and Go code are controlled by Go environmental variables which begin with CGO prefix. Here we will use and discuss CGO_ENABLED variable. Let us create small program with using “net” package and convert host name to IP:

package main

import (

func main() {
   argLen := len(os.Args)
   if argLen == 1 {
      log.Fatalln(“Specify host name as argument”)

Build and execute it on Ubuntu 24.04:

$ go build lookup.go
$ ./lookup

The executable was build with dynamic linking and ldd command shows what Linux are required for its execution:

$ ldd lookup (0x00007fff71174000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f5d9b786000)
   /lib64/ (0x00007f5d9b9a1000)

The command below shows values of Go environmental variables used during build process:

$ go version -m lookup
lookup: go1.22.2
   path   command-line-arguments
   build  -buildmode=exe
   build  -compiler=gc
   build  CGO_ENABLED=1
   build  CGO_CFLAGS=
   build  CGO_CPPFLAGS=
   build  CGO_CXXFLAGS=
   build  CGO_LDFLAGS=
   build  GOARCH=amd64
   build  GOOS=linux
   build  GOAMD64=v1

Pay attention that value of CGO_ENABLED is 1.

Copy this executable on Ubuntu 18.04 machine and try to run:

# ./lookup
./lookup: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.34′ not found (required by ./lookup)
./lookup: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.32′ not found (required by ./lookup)

The executable does not work here, because of version mismatch. Now return to ubuntu 24.04 and rebuild Go code with CGO_ENABLED=0:

$CGO_ENABLED=0 go build lookup.go
$ ./lookup

Let us check what ldd command shows now:

$ ldd lookup
   not a dynamic executable

There are no dynamic linking components anymore.

Go environmental variables looks now like this:

Now copy executable to Ubuntu 18.04 and start:

$ go version -m lookup
lookup: go1.22.2
   path   command-line-arguments
   build  -buildmode=exe
   build  -compiler=gc
   build  CGO_ENABLED=0
   build  GOARCH=amd64
   build  GOOS=linux
   build  GOAMD64=v1

It works.

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# ./lookup