Astra Linux on Oracle Virtual Box

By | August 12, 2019

Astra Linux is Russian made Debian based operating system, mainly developed military needs. It is complete commercial product with 2 main releases: “Orel” (general purpose common edition) and “Smolenk” (special edition for government utilization including Russian army forces and intelligence agencies). The Astra Linux was developed by by Russian company RusBITech in 2008. The product website is, it is totally in Russian, the only one “Download” button is English, click on this button to download x86_64 ISO file of “Orel” Astra Linux edition, the alternative download link. I installed “Orel” Astra Linux on Oracle Virtual Box.
Virtual Box Settings. I selected 4 GB of memory, 20 GB of HD, 2 CPUs.
The first installation welcome page is in Russian:
Welcome Page.
To switch it to English use F1 key:
Welcome Page English.
Another funny staff that License page is also in Russian, if you do not understand Russian accept it AS IS without any familiarity:
Select packages you need:\


Finally it is installed:

The desktop looks nice and friendly, the button on the left-bottom corner opens Start menu in the same way as Start button of Windows OS. From my humble opinion “Orel” Astra Linux works rather fast comparing with other Desktop Linuxes.

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